Website © 2014 Ben Collins email
Navig Aero is making an approach to the procurement agencies in seven countries with both extensive coastline and modest coastal watch budgets.
By creating an aircraft that will be cheap to maintain and purchase, yet fly long distances reliably, we establish better value and more effective rural and coastal logistics.
Developing a new benchmark workhorse aircraft that can be trusted across inhospitable regions in bad weather is an enormous technological and economic challenge that individually nations and their taxpayers would have trouble to justify. Yet just like Aesop’s bundle of sticks, we are stronger together and can make this succeed.
The modular dreamsoarer family will become our benchmark utility transport platform.
Public PDF downloads including press releases
PDF deliverable on receipt of signed NDA.
This is a technology based project where the main value lies in the intellectual property, so we need a non-disclosure-agreement signature before disclosure.
Navig Aero is ready to present the aircraft technical disclosure, preferably in person in May or June 2014.
If the presentation interests your agency, you are then invited to make an equal contribution to the proof-of-concept phase of the project clearly and contractually defined according to the PDF as 3x€10k=€30,000.
For example if three agencies are interested, that means a total cost of €10,000 each.
This is a great value opportunity to advance widely beneficial aircraft technology. Navig Aero awaits your response to the request to make a presentation before Jun 20th 2014 by email or +46 727 447422.